Accelerating Business Growth

Thursday, December 29, 2005

Leaving a great taste in the mouth of your customers!

I’m a big believer in WOWING customers. On the same note I believe you must ensure that if you WOW them you can do so consistently. As there is nothing worse than WOWING the customer today, for them to return in a few days or weeks time only to be OWED as the level of service you gave them the first time suddenly becomes the norm – the way they expect it to be. Therefore by not delivering to the same level you can actually hurt the relationship.

I’ve recently had a great experience here in sunny Tenerife where I have been spending the festive break.

My brother and his girlfriend took our family to a great restaurant called ‘Antonia Café’. We had a great meal with a wonderful selection of food, fine wine and deserts to die for. After diner we were shown through to the relaxing lounge area and we ordered some after diner spirits.

The waiter brought us some pretty hefty sized drinks, had a short conversation with us and as he was leaving he casually mentioned that the drinks we just had were on the house as they were his way of saying thanks for using his restaurant. Now that is a WOW!

Does he do this for all his customers? Probably!

But you know what, it doesn’t matter as it was a genuine demonstration, what we call a tangible demonstration, that he appreciated our custom.

On this occasion we all had a fantastic meal and this final element to the evening was merely the icing on the cake. But it begs a question – How can you WOW your customer with a simple – tangible – demonstration of your gratitude for their business?

Delivering an exceptional customer experience and WOWING your customers is one of the key elements of successful and sustained business growth.

I will leave this thought with you as we progress into 2006 and beyond. Have a great New Year!

Sunday, December 04, 2005

Understanding Who Your Clients Actually Are?

Do you know what your clients actually look like?

Is there a specific profile of business or person that you are trying to target?

If you don’t currently have a clear picture of a typical client / customer (I use these two words interchangeably) then how do you know the best form of marketing activities to target people or businesses most likely to buy your products or services?

The most important first step in developing you Business Growth Strategy is to establish exactly what your current clients looks like.

Some business try to define their ideal client before clearly understanding what their current profile client, and these can be very different.

Maybe take some time out of your busy schedule to evaluate your current client base and to establish whether you current clients are actually the profile you want to be working with long term.

In a lot of businesses over 80% of the profit is generated by approximately 20% of the customers.

Is this the same for your company?

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